Here are the latest updates from the flexible and printed electronics sectors. In this issue: biodegradable wearables, stretchy electronic clothes and diagnostic stickers for babies! Read it all below.

Compostable devices to avoid electronic waste

At INNPAPER we fight e-waste using paper as an alternative to traditional materials for electronics. But it is not the only way! A group of scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany has developed a compostable display that could be used as a quality-monitoring sensor for the food sector and medical diagnostics industry. Another advantage: it has really low energy consumption!

The biodegradable display adapts and sticks on skin. © Manuel Pietsch, KIT

The biodegradable display adapts and sticks to skin. © Manuel Pietsch, KIT

New step for wearable electronics achieved: electronic textiles!

A team from the Fudan University in China has created an electronic fabric that could have applications in communications, navigation and healthcare. Conventional solid display materials cannot stand the natural deformation that happens when fabrics are worn and washed, but this new design weaves conductive and luminescent fibres with cotton, allowing the material to stretch. The textile material is ultra-flexible and can be as light and breathable as ordinary fabric. We can’t wait to try out these new clothes!

Flexible electronics to diagnose cystic fibrosis in new-born babies

Wearable electronics are rising and now have many applications! One of the latest ones is a skin-mounted sticker that absorbs sweat and changes colour to detect cystic fibrosis in new-borns within minutes. The new device has been developed by a team from the Northwestern University in the United States and could substitute the rigid and bulky methods to collect sweat that are currently used. Great step for better diagnostics!