Our monthly selection of printed electronics news is out! Read them below.
Just a quick side-note: we are currently preparing the launch of a Call for Ideas, to look for ideas that take advantage of our integrated paper-electronics platform. If you are interested, subscribe to our mailing list and be the first to know all about it!
Unrolling LOPEC
Each year, LOPEC brings together over 2700 professionals from packaging, medical consumer electronics, logistics and many more fields. The focus this year is on foldable and rolling displays. We’ll attend the event, to show our paper-based displays, batteries, and electronics platform. We’ll bring some demonstrators with us, so drop by our booth at Hall B0 Booth 210B.

Quantum dots pave the way
Blue has always been an elusive colour. It is difficult to synthesise blue pigments, the researchers behind blue LEDs were awarded a Nobel price, and OLEDs are struggling to find blue emitters. Quantum dots, a novel technological approach, could be the technological leap that solves the blue problem.
Brand packaging: an evolution
Smart labels bring a ton of possibilities to the packaging market: real-time monitoring, tracking, anti-tampering measures… But to maximise the impact they can have, it’s important to see how they fit into the brand packaging sector. To know more, read this overview of the field at Business Insider.
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